Thursday, June 10, 2010

Victory Card

From the Inspirational Insights Collection
Inside: Keep conquering

The war is won, just keep fighting the battles.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Marriage Flower Card

From the Flouring Flower Collection
Inside: May your marriage flower

What makes a relationship fully flower? That would be trust and love.

Six Flowers Card Detail

Detail from the Flourishing Flowers Colleciton
Inside: Always the exception to the rule.
As you may notice, the middle flower is facing the other direction.
The words inspired by my friend Ken who is always the exception to the rule.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Champ Card Detail

From the Zany Lady Collection
Inside: You're a champ
Who does not know someone who deserves this card.
They are the one who went the extra mile or really lead your office team.

Baby Shower Card

From the Zany Lady Collection
Inside: Eagerly awaiting the transition from tummy to buggy.
Hopefully you'll stay dry at your shower.

Drama Queen Card Detail

Detail from the Zany Lady Collection
Inside: I see you are wearing your crown today

As you guessed, this is my most popular card sold to men.

Transformation Card Detail

Detail from Transformation card from
the Inspirational Insights Collection.
Inside: Ride on the wings of change.

Transformation Card

From the Inpspirational Insights Collection
Inside: Keep riding on the wings of change.
Beauty happens...

Abide Card

From the Inspirational Insights Collection
Inside: Keep hanging on the Vine.

Inspired by John 15:7 KJV
If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will,
and it shall be done unto you .